The Click-to-download ad can be used in a campaign for user conversion to promote a downloadable action such as an app from the iTunes or Google Play app stores.
Collapsed 320w by 50h pixels
Expanded 320w by 416h pixels
File Size
Image 100kB max (320px by 416px)
Image 50kB max (320px by 50px)
Video 2MB max
File Formats JPG, PNG, GIF, MP4
Animation & Looping 15 sec max
Leadtime 7 day
The Click-to-SMS ad triggers the users messaging app to send an SMS directly from clicking on the ad, usually for lead generation.
Dimension 300w by 250h pixels
File Size
Image 50kB max
File Formats JPG, PNG, GIF
Animation & Looping 15 sec max
Leadtime 7 day
The Mobile Share ad has the ability to share any content including video via Facebook or Twitter.
Collapsed 320w by 50h pixels
Expanded 320w by 416h pixels
File Size
Image 100kB max (320px by 416px)
Image 50kB max (320px by 50px)
File Formats JPG, PNG, GIF
Animation & Looping 15 sec max
Leadtime 7 day